Product overlay tool with the same picture
This tool enables investors to gain a clear understanding of the relative strength of candlesticks within any given period for two commodities. Additionally, it can identify the effectiveness of breakthroughs.
MACD professional indicator (double line)
This is a commonly used MACD indicator tool for stocks and futures, which is more in line with the reading habits of Chinese users compared to the MACD included in MT 4
MT Driver profit and loss statistical indicators
This tool can help investors accurately locate the profits and losses of different cycles
Mobile push notifications for price changes
Most investors have limited trading time, and mobile push of price changes can help them grasp market trends while avoiding some market noise
One click closing EA
The operation interface is located in the chart interface, making it easier for investors to quickly and conveniently stop losses in extreme market conditions
Timed order EA
Put it in the MQL 4 Experts folder, an EA for placing orders at a specified time. The usage is very simple, please feel free to explore it yourself
Net Worth Monitoring EA
Place it in the MQL 4 Experts folder, monitor the EA of net value changes, place the sound file you want to prompt under Sounds, and then fill in the corresponding music file name in the EA's music name
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